-Tunxis-What are the fines for books that are overdue?


We do not charge overdue fines for books. However, we charge overdue fines and replacement costs as listed below:

Fines / Lost Items

  • Overdue fines are $1 per day for Ukuleles and reserves (For reserves not leaving the library the fine is $1 per hour). Additionally for Guest borrowers and alumni Overdue fines for DVDs are $1 per day.
  • Overdue fines are $5 per day for museum passes.
  • Charges for lost or damaged items are the replacement cost, or cost to replace the item with a comparable title if the title is out of print.
  • There is a $50 replacement cost and $5 processing fee for lost museum passes.
  • There is a $40 replacement cost and $5 processing fee for lost or damaged Ukulele.


  • Last Updated Jul 11, 2023
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Eileen Rhodes (Capital)

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