Where can I find ebooks and audiobooks?


The Norwalk Campus Library provides access to a large and increasing number of ebooks and audiobooks, including fiction, nonfiction, and scholarly titles for screen viewing and/or download. They can be discovered using the search box on our library homepage or through the library databases listed below. Scroll down to learn more about some of our most popular ebooks databases.

Borrow from OverDrive. Read with Libby. Our OverDrive collection contains popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks with new titles regularly added. Read or listen to recent bestsellers or classics using the Libby for OverDrive app on your smart device!

  • OverDrive eBooks & Audiobooks : Our OverDrive collection includes fiction and non-fiction eBooks and audiobooks. Formats include OverDrive Read, ePub, Kindle, and PDF for ebooks and mp3 and OverDrive Listen for audiobooks.
  • Libby for OverDrive : Get started using the Libby app on your smart device to borrow and read eBooks and audiobooks from our OverDrive collection. Download Libby on the Apple App Store or Google Play. You can also visit Libby in your browser at libbyapp.com

The Ebook Central College Complete collection is a comprehensive ebook subscription that helps prepare students for academic and career success. This collection covers all academic subject areas and includes content for in-demand trade jobs. Libraries will gain access to content in traditional disciplines such as business, management, and nursing; emerging areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and criminal justice; and topics to support specific skills like advanced manufacturing, construction, and healthcare.

This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs. EBSCO eBooks allows users to search, view and download/print the text of electronic books.

>>> ADDITIONAL EBOOKS DATABASES : View more ebooks databases by browsing the eBook category on the Norwalk Campus Library's Databases by Subjects page.

  • Last Updated Sep 17, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Becky Brunson

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