How can I borrow a laptop or hotspot for the semester?


Who can borrow a laptop or hotspot?

Students enrolled in a class at CT State Norwalk may borrow a laptop and/or a mobile internet hotspot from the Norwalk campus library.

How long can I keep the laptop or hotspot?

You can keep the laptop or hotspot until the end of the semester. Please make sure to return it on or before the assigned due date.

What happens if the laptop or hotspot is not returned on time?

Students are required to promptly return their technology items on time. If the laptop or hotspot is not returned on time, a hold will be applied to the student's Banner account. This hold restricts key activities, such as registering for classes and obtaining transcripts. Additionally, one won't be able to check out a technology item for a minimum of one semester. Once your Banner account is cleared, your borrowing privilege will be restored. The replacement charges are set at $1,000 for laptops, $100 for hotspots, and $100 for any laptop chargers.

What if the laptop or hotspots is damaged or has a problem? 

If the laptop or hotspots is damaged or has a problem, please bring the item with you to the library and follow the library staff's guide to resolve the problem. 

How can I request a laptop or hotspot?

  1. Go to the Norwalk campus library homepage at
  2. Scroll down to Library Services for Students and select Laptop and Hotspot Loans.
  3. Click the blue Begin button
  4. Answer all questions on the form and click the blue Submit button.
  5. The next screen prompts you to click the Request Laptop or Request Hotspot link to place your request in our automated library system:Finish your application by placing a request in our library catalog
  • The link will take you to the item record in our online library catalog. You will see a yellow bar prompting you to sign into your library account. Click Sign In:
  • Sign into your library account with your community college student ID and password:
  • After you sign into your library account, click the blue Request button:
  • Enter your student ID number for the Request Description and click the green Request button. Your request is now complete.

What will happen after I submit my request?

When the technology item that you requested is ready to pick up, you should receive an email from Norwalk campus library.  The email will send to your college email with the college email domain ( Technology item pickup begins  on the day after " Last Day Drop Class with 100% Refund."  If you are placed on the waitlist, or if there is a problem with your library account that affects your eligibility, a library staff member will contact you via your college ( email.

How long do I have to pick up my technology item?

After your pickup email is sent, you will have three business days to pick up your item.  If you do not pick up the item, it will be reassigned to the next person. If you fail to pick up your item on time and it is reassigned, you can submit a new request.

What if I want to borrow a technology item for two semesters in a row?

All items must be returned on or before the due date at the end of the semester, no exceptions. You must submit a new request for each semester. Technology item pickup begins approximately one week after the first day of classes.


  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2024
  • Views 126
  • Answered By Kimberly Bryant-Smith (Norwalk)

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