I have Library materials checked out, but the college is closed due to an emergency. What should I do? Will I be charged overdue fines?
I'm worried that I'll owe fines for Library materials I have checked out that are due back when college is closed.
First, don't panic! The Library doesn't charge overdue fines for most Library materials, like books, DVDs or magazines. But, there are some exceptions for high-value or high-demand items, like textbooks or cameras, if they are returned after their due date.
If the college is forced to close due to inclement weather or other emergency all overdue fines will be waived for any items with due dates that occur during the period of closure. Additionally, we will not apply registration (Banner) holds to student accounts for items that enter lost status (typically 14 days after the due date) during this period.
Students are responsible for returning items borrowed once the Library reopens. If extenuating circumstances prevent this, we encourage you to contact the Library's Circulation staff (860-512-2880 or email: circulation@mcc.commnet.edu) to discuss other options.