How do I place a request for an item that's owned by another CSCU campus?

My professor told me that I can request a book that is owned by CCSU for delivery to MCC. How do I do this?


With our library catalog, you can find and place requests for books, musical cores, DVDs and more that are owned by other libraries in the CSCU system (e.g., CCSU, Asnuntuck). This item will be shipped to the Manchester campus and you'll receive an email (sent to your campus email) when it's ready for pick up. Here are the steps to request an item:

  1. Sign In - Click on the Sign In link in the upper right corner of the screen as shown below.

    MCC Search Sign In Link

    A login screen will appear. Select "Community College signon." On the next page, enter your Banner ID (ex. and password.

  2. Search - Once you're signed in, do a search for the item you'd like to request and select "CSCU Library Consortium" as the search scope from the drop down menu. Click the green magnifying glass icon to search. When you find the correct title, click on the "Check holdings" link. 
  3. Check Holdings - Click on the REQUEST FROM ANOTHER LIBRARY button to initiate a request.
  4. Fill out the form as directed. Don't forget to choose "Manchester Community College" as the Pick Up location.


You'll be notified by campus email when the item arrives and is available. You can also check the status of your request by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing "My Library Account." All your active requests will display under the "Requests" tab.  

  • Last Updated Aug 16, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Eileen Rhodes (Capital)

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