Housatonic - How do I activate my Wall Street Journal access?


  1. Start by visiting the library's homepage at Housatonic.edu/library and clicking the Wall Street J. button or by going directly to https://www.wsj.com/CTState

Image of library's homepage with WSJ button highlighted




Choose your account type from the drop down menu (Student, Staff, or Professor), then enter for First Name and Last Name

WSJ Account setup window, with fields highlighted




  • Create an account using your college email
    • Students: xxxxxxxxx@mail.ct.edu
    • Faculty: xxxxxxxx@hcc.commnet.edu OR xxxxxxxx@housatonic.edu

WSJ Account setup window with email field highlighted




  • Set a password
    • 5-32 Characters long
    • Contains at least 1 letter
    • Contains at least 1 number
    • Does not contain spaces, %, &, or +



  • Click "Create" to access the WSJ. 

WSJ Account Setup screen with Create button circled



Click the Explore WSJ button, then click Sign in to enjoy your favorite WSJ articles!

Once activated, you will be able to sign in and read the Wall Street Journal from any web-enabled device - you do not need to be on campus to read the newspaper.



  • Remember to use your college email to sign up for your account
  • If you encounter any issues gaining access, allow at least 24 hours to pass and check your junk folder for any important emails.


Note:  The sign-up methods for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are different, since they come from different companies.  NY Times uses a method where you authenticate first (either by being on campus or by entering your college login and password) and from there you can use whatever email address you prefer.  WSJ, however, doesn’t use the authentication method to verify you – you have to sign up using a CT State email address. 


  • Last Updated Feb 29, 2024
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Jennifer Lutris (Housatonic)

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