How do I find digital textbooks on reserve at Housatonic Campus Library?


The library has selectively digitized some textbooks on reserve. The general guideline of the usage is one concurrent user at a time for a limit of two hours. The user has to sign in to view the items. If someone is using the material, the next person has to wait. 

To access, please follow the instructions below:

1. Go to Digital Course Reserve site and click on the textbook title you need. 

2. Or, go to Housatonic Campus Library website --> click "Digital Textbook Reserves" link right below the library catalog search box. 

3. Select the desired textbook title and sign in with the user school ID and password.

4. After signed in, click the file "1 file/s (pdf, xxx MB)" to open it.

5. Read and close the Copyright statement before reading the materials.

Each session will last for two hours. You can end the session at any time, and there is an hourglass icon to help you track the time at the top right corner of the screen.

Please log yourself out after done reading so that other users can access the materials.

It's important to note that we can only digitize a small portion of our textbook collection. If your textbook is NOT available digitally and the library has it on reserve in physical format, please come to the library and request it at the Library circulation desk. (Note: We do not have copies of all textbooks.)

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2024
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Jennifer Lutris (Housatonic)

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